Tuesday, October 21, 2008

As if life is not hard now .

You know its hard as it is to try and live like a normale person when you have a chronic illness and when other people don't understand what your dealing with and it hurts more when doctors think you maken it all up or they think your after pain pills . But what hurts the most is haven people in your own family who don't understand or they think they you are maken stuff up just to get attention .

What makes it worse is when they talk about you behinde your back or to other people about and you find out about it by mistake. I mean if your normale that is fine but not everyone is the same i would think that people would under stand this by now . I know i have alot of problems that have come up more like with different pains and other things . But those people have no clue what i would give to have one day with no pain and no health problems.

I know and other family members know that i am not maken it up and because they see the everyday hell that i have to live with and these other people only see me off and on . But i know i am not doing this stuff to get attention from anyone for what it is worth i would love to be like that kid walken down the street who is healthy and normale .

So if you don't know what your talken about just stay out of it , Because i know i don't look sick ! Be geuss what I AM !! AND I AM NOT NORMALE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor dear. I knew some of what that was like before it got bad and the docs started saying "yeah she's actually sick". I've had doctors and strangers say I was faking, but I can't immagine how hard it must be for you to hear other family members saying that. My heart aches for you. Have you and your supportive family members tried sitting them down and explaining EDS to them?